
Today we will be talking about something so important that it has a lot of persons misinformed. People have lost so much because of this misinformation, many have spent a fortune without second thought following this information.

We will be talking about the Canadian visit visa and the possibility of securing a job via this route.

The Canadian Visitors visa also known as a the Tourist visa is a well sought after visa by Nigerians, as they seek to explore the world better, while others may have other reasons such as, work, study, or even to “JAPA” as translated “Runaway”, the Visitors visa may or may not be the best route depending on one’s purpose for wanting to travel.

As the name goes “Visitors Visa”, this can only mean this visa is for those who have the intent of visiting and nothing else, and according to the immigration law of Canada, using the Canadian visitors visa for purposes other than visit can be seen as an offense.

Why are people claiming to have work visas having traveled with the visitors visa? It has been reported from multiple sources that some persons have been able to land jobs having traveled to Canada with a visitors visa; how is this possible? This is a question that has not truthfully been answered.

Canada among other countries have strict immigration laws that govern immigrants regardless their purpose of visiting Canada, such of which is the LMIA (Labor Market Impact Assessment), a process that validates an immigrant for a job role in Canada. This process is aligned with the Canadian work permit, thus translating that one must have first passed this LMIA process before he or she can travel to Canada for work purpose. Since LMIA is necessary and not a component of the visitors visa, how then can a person work in Canada without this?

You answer could be as good as mine!

Many persons work or operate in Canada as illegal immigrants; this is a situation wherein you hide and cannot freely move about, you do not have access to basic things you should be able to have due the restriction of not having a valid permit, in this case the “work permit”. It will amaze you to know some persons have resorted to switching from a visitors visa to a work visa whilst in Canada; is this possible? From reports so far, it could be; however, one must consider the process involved as they have not been fully mentioned anywhere, such of which requires the services of an immigration lawyer, a service that does not come cheap.

This leaves the question; is switching from a visit visa to a work permit whilst in Canada worthwhile? If your answer is yes, have you considered the cost financially and otherwise?


This is where TD Travel and Logistics come in.

With our international partner networks, we can help you migrate to Canada legally with peace of mind.

For further information on how to go about this, kindly send a message from the messaging link on this website or contact us via the contact information provided.