Tickets & Reservations

Ready to redefine your academic narrative and claim your spot in prestigious international institutions in the UK, Canada or USA?

Elevate your academic prowess with our expertly curated program, spanning international exams like GRE, GMAT, and language proficiency tests. We’ve streamlined the journey to ensure you excel in every facet, paving the way for scholarship opportunities for undergraduates and Loan for post graduates.

Scholarship and study Loan 100% Funding. You want to study abroad and don’t have the finances for tuition, solutions are here.

If you have a track record of outstanding achievements, this scholarship is perfect for you! We value a track record of outstanding academic achievements, work and dedication, and we want to reward those who consistently strive for excellence.

We understand that pursuing higher education can be financially challenging. That’s why we are offering this scholarship and Study Loan to alleviate some of the financial burdens you may face. Focus on your studies and let us take care of the expenses!

We believe in the importance of giving back. If you have a strong commitment to community service and have actively contributed to making a positive impact, we want to hear from you! We value individuals who strive to make the world a better place.

Applying for our study scholarship is simple! Just submit an essay outlining your academic achievements, future aspirations, and reasons why you deserve this scholarship. We can’t wait to hear your story!


  1. Undergraduates

Requirement for Undergraduate student:

  1. 1. SSCE Certificate
  2. WAEC Certificate
  3. WAEC Scratch Card
  4. Academic reference (2) from the school
  5. Statement of purpose.


  1. Post graduates

Requirement for post graduate student:

  1. Degree Result
  2. Transcripts
  4. Statement of Purpose
  5. CV
  6. Academic references


Qualifying Exams:

  1. Canada & USA: EXAMS REG: IELTS |TOEFL| SAT| GRE|GMAT| WES (Credentials evaluation)
  2. UK: SAT| IELTS |

N/B: Only Undergraduate Students are eligible for Scholarship 100% Funding.

For Post Graduate Students, Only Loan for Tuition Fee

Age Limit for Undergraduate-US age limit 16 to 21.

Loan requirements:

  • Good university grades and good credit history with your bank
  • No extra charges on Loan
  • USA Candidates 100%
  • Canada | UK Tuition Fee Funding Only
  • The study loan with a cosigner (Guarantor) is absolutely for master Students.
  • Undergraduate, they must have a cosigner (Guarantor in the country of study and Nigeria)
  • The repayment will start 6-8 months after their graduation
  • The interest rate per annum is about 11.5% (Undergraduate & Post Graduate


What could lead to rejection:

Poor credentials, lack of self confidence in the case of US, fake documents in the case of Canada and UK, bad credit history.


  • Reapply

For further details, contact us via email or phone.

…we serve with high sense of responsibility.

Seems like what interests you? Kindly fill the form below to move unto the next stage.


Fields marked with an * are required
Date of Birth *
Degree Level *
Institution Start Date *
Graduation Date *
Passport Issued *
Passport Expiry *
Do You Have a Guarantor with Residing in UK, US, or Canada *